DNS Entries

What Is It?

This service allows users to add, remove, or change NMSU's Domain Name System (DNS) entries. This includes CNAME entries to forward to hosted systems such as the cloud version of Cascade or other cloud-based systems. 

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

NMSU faculty and staff are eligible to add, remove, or change NMSU DNS entries.

How Do I Get Started?

Click the "Request Service" button above to request to add, remove, or change NMSU DNS entries. You will be prompted to enter your name, department, and full details of your ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.

How Much Does It Cost?

There is a $71 labor charge to add each DNS entry to the NMSU domain, plus an annual fee of $100 per entry per year.

Request Service


Service ID: 4895
Wed 8/2/23 3:07 PM
Thu 8/3/23 2:12 PM