Supplemental Application Access

What Is It?

This service allows users to request to add or remove user access to several supplemental applications. These include:

  • Enterprise Password Manager - An application that securely controls credentials for privileged accounts, services, systems, applications, and more.
  • GitLab - An open-source code repository and collaborative software development platform for large DevOps and DevSecOps projects. 
  • TeamDynamix - A web-based platform that provides service management, asset management, and project management capabilities. Users may request varying levels of TeamDynamix access, including enterprise, technician, and student technician access. Levels of TeamDynamix access are defined in this knowledge base article
Who Is Eligible to Use It?

NMSU employees are eligible to request to add or remove user access to supplemental applications including Enterprise Password Manager, GitLab, and TeamDynamix.

How Do I Get Started?

Click the "Enterprise Password Manager," "GitLab," or "TeamDynamix" buttons above to request to add or remove user access to Enterprise Password Manager, GitLab, or TeamDynamix. You will be prompted to enter your name, department, and full details of your ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it. If you are requesting to add or remove user access in TeamDynamix, you will also be prompted to enter the level of access requested. 

How Much Does It Cost?

There is no fee to request to add or remove user access to GitLab and TeamDynamix. The fee for Enterprise Password Manager access is $77 per year.

Enterprise Password Manager GitLab TeamDynamix


Service ID: 4515
Wed 6/21/23 1:49 PM
Tue 7/25/23 2:20 PM

Service Offerings (3)

Enterprise Password Manager
Allows users to request to add or remove user access to Enterprise Password Manager, an application that securely controls credentials for privileged accounts, services, systems, applications, and more.
Allows users to request to add or remove user access to GitLab, an open-source code repository and collaborative software development platform for large DevOps and DevSecOps projects.
Allows users to request to add or remove user access to TeamDynamix, a web-based platform that provides service management, asset management, and project management capabilities.