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Specialty Projects with Outside Vendors

? NMSU faculty and staff are eligible to request Specialty Project management services through the NMSU IT Project Management Office.  How Do I Get Started? Click the "Request Service" button above

Banner INB/Self-Service Support

of data. Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU staff and students are eligible to request assistance with Banner INB/Self-Service features and related issues. How Do I Get Started? Click the

Printer Support

? NMSU faculty and staff are eligible to request Printer Support services and make general maintenance requests. How Do I Get Started? Click the "Request Service" button above to request Printer

Networking Problem

What Is It? This service allows users to report problems with the NMSU network or campus security cameras.  Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU faculty, staff, students, sponsored programs and

Data Breach Handling

, and reported from beginning to end. Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU executive administration, faculty, and staff are eligible to request assistance with managing suspected or known data breach


with FERPA, PCI, and HIPAA regulations, among other subjects.  Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU executive administration, faculty, staff, and students are eligible to request in-person and virtual

Project & Portfolio Management

Projects IT Projects System-wide Business Affairs principal Initiatives Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU faculty and staff are eligible to request professional Project Management services

Mobile Lab Checkouts

What Is It?  This service provides users with the short-term checkout of 30 Chromebooks and a mobile charging cart.  Who Is Eligible to Use It? All NMSU faculty and staff are eligible to

Canvas Support

include inquiries about grades, importing existing course content, and adding or removing courses from your Canvas homepage. Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU staff and students are eligible to

myNMSU Support

inquiries about accessing faculty, employee, student, and personal information data or password management services. Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU staff and students are eligible to request basic


, laptops, tablets, and gaming consoles. Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU faculty and staff are eligible to request diagnostic and troubleshooting support for Network Connection issues. How Do I

Compliance Assurance

Eligible to Use It? NMSU executive administration, faculty, and staff are eligible to request reviews to ensure that their operations/processes are compliant with applicable laws, regulations, and

Review of Documents

regulations. Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU executive administration, faculty, and staff are eligible to request a Review of Documents that contain or potentially contain sensitive NMSU data to

DNS Entries

Cascade or other cloud-based systems.  Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU faculty and staff are eligible to add, remove, or change NMSU DNS entries. How Do I Get Started? Click the "Request

Campus Network

. Who Is Eligible to Use It? NMSU faculty, staff, students, sponsored programs and third-party vendors are eligible to report issues or request support with the installation and/or operation of the