Administrative and Business Systems

Includes Banner, financial and procurement systems, human resources, and student information systems. Services also include data analysis and reporting, integrations, and data management.

Services (8)

Application Security

Allows users to request security updates for all NMSU applications and Banner, including security requests for new access, modifications to existing access, or removal of access. Users can also request assistance for errors with current access.

Application Services

Provides administrative, installation, operational, and general technical support for Banner Self-Service items, NMSU-developed applications, and other third-party applications.

Data, Reporting, and Analytics

Partner with our technical team to develop reports, dashboards, visualization tools, and data sets to answer business questions for internal operations and strategic decisions. Includes products developed in NMSU Analytics (Powered by Cognos), ad-hoc reporting, and data warehouse development.

Integration Services

Work with a technical staff member in developing a new integration between NMSU on premise and/or cloud hosted applications.

Job Scheduler Automation

Provides automation and integration support for third-party applications with existing application data through Automic Job Scheduler (AMV9).

Letters and Forms

Assists users with the development, updating, and issuing of forms and form fusion templates.

Supplemental Application Access

Allows users to request to add or remove user access to supplemental applications including Enterprise Password Manager, GitLab, and TeamDynamix.

TDX Request

This is for any requests related to TDX.